ralene-HR-4Welcome to my little kingdom on the Internet—a place where all projects SHINE and I encourage all people to SHINE BEYOND! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you’ll hang around for a while. I love connecting with new people!


This website is the home of my professional life. I am a writer, editor, and social media maven. You can find out more on my editing and books pages.

I love to help people and have dedicated my blog to just that purpose. Wednesdays on the blog are for guest posts. Right now, I’m running a series called “Confessions,” where creatives share a bit about their lives, the good and the bad. On Fridays, I alternate sharing news on my writing, fiction in general, and other fabulous things.  Be sure to sign up for my e-mail newsletter, so you don’t miss one post. You never know when or where inspiration will jump out and grab you!


On the day I was born, the doctor’s told my parents I probably wouldn’t live. I had a large tumor in my neck, and it was growing by the hour. When they finally removed this man-fist-sized tumor, the experts said I would be mentally and physically handicapped for the rest of my life, unable to care for myself.

Boy, did we prove them wrong!

Today, I not only take care of myself, I balance a husband, 3 kids, a career, and homeschooling. Granted, there’s often plenty of dirty dishes in the sink and toys on the floor, but who cares? I’m wrangling Spiderman, teaching princesses to sing, and pursuing my passions—what’s better than that?

I became a Christian when I was young. The miracle surrounding my survival pretty much sealed the deal. And, except for a few rebellious years, I’ve spent my life pursuing His calling—to change lives with the written word.

This calling started out in fiction novels, where I spin fast-paced tales of angels and demons, fantasy worlds, and the broader calling of every human being.

But the passion didn’t stop there!

The deeper I delved into the publishing world, the more I realized that I loved critiquing and editing—and I was pretty good at it. So, I took some classes, joined a couple of organizations, and committed part of my career to making other writers’ work SHINE!

Finally, there was only one natural outlet for my addiction to social media—get paid for it! So, I’ve been studying up on the various platforms and the mental marketing tactics in an effort to help other writers and publishing-related organizations grow their social media platforms. It’s a lot of fun.

So, join me on this crazy journey we call life, business, and the pursuit of happiness! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, weigh in with your opinions, or share your knowledge. I love hearing from people! (There’s a lot of love, as you can see.)

Don’t forget to sign up for my blog/newsletter. There’s always SOMETHING going on around here!


The Geek Blog Interview:


Realm Makers (2014)

American Christian Fiction Writers (2008)

The Christian PEN (2012)

Louisville Christian Writers (2014)

KY Christian Writers Conference (2014)




If you ever have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at raleneburke [at] gmail [dot] com.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ane Mulligan

    Love your new website, Ralene! It looks terrific. 🙂

  2. Deanna

    Hi Ralene!
    It’s so cool that Enclave Pub interviewed you! How awesome is that?!?! Cooler then being interviewed by me, that’s for sure. 😉

    You are a blessing to the writing world, Miss Ralene. Keep on keeping on!

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