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Goals: November 2016

PIC1068506062It seems like on the first of every month, I can hardly believe that the old month is gone and the new one is here. Like I blinked and missed a whole 30 days. Yes, October flew by in a flash–but I did manage to accomplish a few things!


Last Month . . .

Although I didn’t  get around to doing it until about the middle of the month, I did schedule out a menu plan for the rest of the year, using gluten-free and dairy-free recipes. Now if I can just stick to it.

Bellanok did get finished, the Kindle version anyway. The paperback document just came to me a couple of days ago. I kind of gave a soft launch of the Kindle, but plan to make a big hooplah about the paperback release next week. It may be a few days later than I planned, though. Friday instead of Tuesday.

The rest of my goals didn’t really come to pass, and that’s mostly my fault, mishandling my time or too much time being sick. But never fear! A new month is here, and I can try again!

How about the rest of you who shared your goals in October?

Pam: *Finish revisions for my fantasy novel
*Write a short story for Travis Perry’s newest anthology
*Teach at a one day conference in Georgetown, DE on the 15th
*host a book event in my hometown on the 20th for Realmscapes
*plan and hold a Great Pumpkin party (it’s the 50th anniversary!)

Laura: *Host decluttering challenge & launch new product
*Finish painting baby’s room and move furniture in
*Publish one blog post per week and send weekly email newsletter


Tips for Goals:

Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish your goal, but do set a time. A deadline creates a sense of urgency and gives you a reason not to keep putting the task off forever.


November Goals:

1. Win NaNoWriMo for the first time. For those of you who are not writers, this is a competition to write 50,000 words in one month. In theory, it shouldn’t be too hard, but every time I have participated, life got in the way.

2. Finish the Realm Makers website by the end of next week.

3. Keep my husband and I on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet this month. Make use of the menu plan by looking at it every day, and even looking ahead a couple of days.

4. Have a successful book launch for Bellanok. I have some fun things planned, including a book tour, some giveaways, and more!

5. Plan for all the craziness in December. (Yeah, this is kind of an open-ended goal . . .)


So there you have it. My map for the month. Direction to keep me motivated.

Share your goals in the comments, and lets keep each other accountable! (I’ll be following up with you on the November goals post.)

Sign up for my newsletter so we can keep up with each other!



This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Janeen

    -Get a solid start on Blood Mercy: The Darkest Stain
    -Get 3/4 done with steampunk YA as a part of NaNoWriMo
    -Get all the world-building done for urban fantasy
    -Assist post-surgery husband as needed
    -Exciting business things!

    1. Ralene Burke

      And this is all on top of teaching, right? Oy!

      1. Janeen

        Yeeeaah, for some reason my brain responds to busy-ness by saying “oh fun! Let’s do even MORE!”

  2. Laura Pol

    Going gluten-free can be such a challenge, but they have such yummy foods compared to when I first found out I was allergic to wheat in high school. Will praying for you and Janeen’s goals! 🙂

    Hmmm for me I would say:
    – Keep reading
    – Contact a singer for secret project
    – Begin launching a newsletter sign-up

    1. Ralene Burke

      Email lists are so important! Good for you!

  3. Pam Halter

    The only October goal I didn’t meet was the short story. The more research I did, the deeper the story got and I simply ran out of time. Saving it next year.

    November goals have nothing to do with writing. I typically take Nov. and Dec. off from writing to prep for Christmas, but I do keep doing any freelance editing that comes my way.

    * 1 twin sized bed quilt, 3 back of the couch quilts, 2 baby quilts, one toddler quilt, and at least one cloth shoulder bag to make

    * canning to finish

    *cleaning out more stuff from our house (please pray someone will come along and buy it. We have it up for a short sale)

    * 2 shoeboxes to fix for Operation Christmas Child

    * and lots of community outreach with the small church we attend on Sunday nights

    Wishing everyone a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Sheri Yutzy

    -Win NaNoWriMo for the first time. 🙂
    -Send out tri-weekly newsletter
    -Take books to bookstore to sell
    -Make apple pie for the Thanksgiving community potluck
    -Keep improving website and building email list. Break 100 subscribers!

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