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Goals: October 2017

Ah, we are entering my favorite time of year again. October ushers in the beginning of fall and the preparation for the holidays season. Oh, how excited I am! Hello, October!

The kids and I are already making plans for the many things to do with pumpkins. My daughter already sketched out her kitty-bat she wants to carve on her pumpkin we’ll get later this month. I’m waiting it to cool off just a little bit more before I break out the apple cider. Mmm …

Of course, with a new month, we also need to set some goals. Who’s with me? It’s been awhile since I’ve posted my goals on this blog, so I’m not going to bother trying to recap. We’ll just start fresh and go from here!

October 2017 Goals

  1. Finish 2nd edits for Armor of Aletheia. As soon as I get the edits back from my editor, I need to get the novel cleaned up and ready to go back to her. At this point, I’ll also be sending the novel out to potential endorsers to see if we can lock in some people for the launch. I’ll be working for at least 2 hours a night once I get them back, plus 4-6 hours on Saturdays.
  2. I have a new schedule that I’m going to be trying out that will help me to focus on the family and homeschool during family time and on work during work time. I hope that I can get it to work! In this schedule, I’ll have a couple of power hours in the morning to get through email and social media stuff, but other than that focus on family/school stuff. In the evenings, then it’ll be work, work, work while my husband can watch the kids.
  3. Get caught up on marketing plans. Did you know Bellanok celebrates its first anniversary toward the end of this month? Yeah … there’s going to be a party. Plus, I have some stuff planned out that I was supposed to do in September for both Bellanok and Armor of Aletheia. Bah–this is what happens when you get sick. Don’t get sick.
  4. Speaking of health issues, my health has been on a bit of a roller coaster. I’ve been losing weight and leveling out my blood sugars, but there’s still a lot of work to do. My goal this month is to add more water by alternating my water and iced tea during the day. Plus, I’m going to add in a walk 3 times a week in the morning.

I think those are some pretty lofty goals for this month. There are a few other, more personal goals, but we’ll just leave these ones here.

What are your goals for October?

Leave your comment here and let’s check in with each other next month!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Blondie Crabtree

    October Goals of Blondie Crabtree
    1. Learn all I can to start off my Kiwanis time as President to be effective and most of all to glorify God as I meet new people and host events, and encourage new people to join our club and donate service time to the community.
    2. Stay on track with my screenwriting classes, meet all deadlines, and give it my best.
    3. Get moved into my new first-floor unit, get settled in quickly without losing much downtime.
    4. Talk to each of my kids on the phone and/or visit in person. Find a better way to connect with grandchildren who are always “too busy” for visits.
    5. Make a new schedule for my WIP – finish “Here Comes Heartache” and take off Amazon other two books in this series and resubmit all with new covers.
    6. Develop a marketing plan for Never Poor “renewed” series.
    7. Write the draft of “Woman at the Well” screenplay.
    8. Plan/purchase Christmas.
    9. Make final plans for Nov. Ohio Christian Writer’s conference.
    10. Keep the Christian Journey group together and help everyone stay focused as they discover their purpose and for some get to know Jesus and turn their hearts to him. I have a diverse group of old Christians, new Christians, non-Christians, and a Jew. They all know or have been told that this is a Christian journey and they accepted that even when some have not accepted Jesus. My goal is to stay close to God so that I follow his direction and don’t mess anything up. First, I want to do no harm.
    11. Lose weight through consistent healthy choices. Also, add more water and goal is to add four tall glasses a day. I drink a lot of tea, coffee, and very little soda or juices; and some of that will be replaced with my new water goals.

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