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A “God First” Year

God FirstinIt’s hard to believe that 2016 is already here. Seems like yesterday I was promising myself to write 500 words/day and lose 30 pounds by Realm Makers. The year flew by–and while I managed to write ore this year than in 2014, I didn’t keep to the 500 word/day, and I think I might have gained some weight.

But, I’m not going to let that get me down. I’m going to face 2016 with all the hope of a blank slate and a new year. Who’s with me?

Now, I’ve made a habit of choosing a word to represent my focus for the coming year. In 2014, that word was prayer, in 2015, it was Happy & Healthy. Usually these words come to me pretty quickly when I’ve sat down to pray and peruse the Bible. This year, though, it was actually a struggle. A few weeks passed. In fact, it was only in the past week that I settled on my new focus.

God First.

Do you ever find yourself skipping out on church because there’s so much work to be done? Me too

Do you ever hit the snooze instead of getting up to enjoy some quiet time with God? Oh yeah.

Do you ever forgo your Bible time in favor of a good fiction book? Yep.

I’m sure we’re all guilty of these at time or another. But more and more these past few years, I’ve been putting these things off more and more often. I’m letting myself become an ineffective Christian.

But I don’t want to be ineffective. I want to be on fire for God. All the time.

I want to put Him first in my life. Before my family. Before my writing. Before all the other things that creep up and strangle my time and focus.

Trust the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

God should be first in my marriage, first in my family, first in my work. He should even be first when considering my finances, my schedule, my homeschool, and my health.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that He’s here in the day-t0-day, right beside us. He wants us to reach out to Him in all things–big and small. He wants s to push ourselves by leaning on Him and letting Him lay out our paths.

As I’m sitting here, considering my goals for 2016, my first thoughts are on how God can lead me in the different areas, how I can put Him first.

I know that I have a lot to learn this year. I look forward to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as I delve deeper into relationship with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

What is your word for 2016? What does it mean to you?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Demrie Alonzo

    My word(s) for this year are similar to yours: Trust God. Sometimes I have the attitude of “I got it, God.” But I don’t. And when I push Him aside to do it myself, my path becomes muddy and lost. The brambles take over and I realize I’ve completely strayed (not to mention bloody ankles from those darn brambles). So this year I am going to TRUST GOD more and rely on myself less.

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