Moving to #SHINEBeyond in 2021!

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” (Robert Burns, To a Mouse) If your 2020 was anything like mine, you garnered a new understanding of this popular quote. Am I right? #SHINEBeyond I did not in 2020.

#SHINEBeyond 2021

Last year, right here on this blog, I toted the plans I had for my writing, my website, and blogging. Little did I know what lay just beyond the winter blahs of 2020.

However, I’ve reached the point where I no longer wish to dwell on that part of my past. With the invitation of a new year, God has picked me up and pushed me forward, and therefore forward I must go. I’m ready to #SHINEBeyond in 2021!

What does that mean for my career? My writing? This website? YOU ALL? Well, let me share a little bit…


So, I finally made progress on Book 3 of the Sacred Armor Trilogy (tentatively titled Temple of Tzedek). I’m hoping my publisher and I can work together to get it out by the end of the summer. Eeee… I know. It’s been a long time coming.

While I’m waiting on that book to come out, I’ll be pounding out the words to a NEW series. Think Game of Thrones meets Avatar: the Last Airbender–YA-style! This Victorian-fantasy series has me all excited and zipping my mouth shut so I don’t spill all the juicy details. (More excited squealing…)


I aim to return to blogging this year. Yes, I do. Stop looking at me like that. I DO! For now, I’ll be posting once a week. Every other week, I’ll post something along the #SHINEBeyond encouragement/tips.

Then, in between those posts, I’m relaunching the “Confessions of a…” series! Yes, I’ll have all-new posts from new faces as well as some old favorites: authors, business owners, normal people, and everyone in between.

You may notice over the next few weeks that the website gets a bit of a facelift. I don’t think I’ll be changing the overall look and feel–because I still love it!–but I will be updating pages and rearranging things.


My newsletter will resume on Tuesday, February 2! If you haven’t already signed up, you might want to do so. I’ll be sharing all kinds of bookish fun, writing updates, giveaways, and more.

Also, I am getting back into editing, so you’ll see a new tab for that…

Looking further into the year, I snagged a website for #SHINEBeyond, but I’m not sure if/when I’ll do something with that. I would love to launch a separate website that solely focuses on helping and encouraging people to embrace their calling and live their best life. We’ll see what time and God allows.


Well, that was a lot of updating, and I’m sure you have to get on with your day. Thank you for sticking around–and for all your support and encouragement over the years. I look forward to this #SHINEBeyond journey with y’all in 2021.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! And if you want to follow the daily shenanigans, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

What are you looking forward to in 2021?

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